Wudang Research Association
This file contains a brief summary of changes and indicates when they were made. Changes are listed starting with the most current date. We started this page way back when and have decided it's a great way to help keep our history. Used to be everyone kept a log of changes. Now it's gone out of fashion. We still like the idea. Besides helping us, this page should make it easier to find anything new we've posted. Many thanks to all of you who are and have been visiting our site over the years.
- March 2, 2023
- Adjusted placement and all sorts of little things. Almost have all the pieces ready. Have separated the scifi stuff from the regular blog and can filter. Page setup and changes for publications to add The Ambassador. Cleanup and better presentations. The original effort to get the blog posts working and ready to go is done plus more. Always more to do. Now, to get the Ambassador started. What I thought would work won't. So I changed it and now it does. Already started using the new blog for class today. Works good. For the Ambassador, the content page level doesn't have a menu item - it does have the breadcrumb. Too many pages to list on a menu. Next I need subscribers.
- March 1, 2023
- Added background color by accident and it worked. Looking to surface content and build social following using blog posts for classes and syndicating them. It's going to take a minute or two to set up. I need this to work. Add Newsletter plugin to allow for subscriptions and emails to subscribers. Need to work on setting up blog posts and adding the videos.
- September 12-18, 2022
- Rework menu and navigation options to expose content, make the site regular, clean up, and make way or make a place for new content. Need to keep menu items on menu or they aren't accessible on mobile. Get rid of junk. Clean up Categories and Tags too. Still have quite a bit more to do, but this is a huge leap forward. So much cleaner.
- June 29, 2022
- Cleanup. Remove flip book (too slow) and repoint to PDFs. Rework Services again. Have web page samples. Need other samples. More consolidation and streamlining of content. Publish newsletter Weaving the Threads. Collect and republish content.
- May 25, 2022
- More old is new again. Back in the 90's, I'd hosted a discussion board on this site. Some part went well. Others didn't. I took it down. I've just added one. But this time, I have a different goal and a different approach. Same tech. :-)
- April 16, 2022
- Old is new again. Updating the menu navigation to simplify it while adding more content? Yes. Study, Practice, Refinement has been my tagline for years. Long past time I used it for the menus. Martial Arts => Study, Classes => Practice, and Teacher's Notes => Refinement. Moved Our Publications under About Us. Needs more work. Secondary navigation via breadcrumb is working, too. Breadcrumb enabled on mobile. Adding pages to aggregate content and use categories to organize it automagically. Used a PHP function to allow adding categories to everything. Works like a dream.
- March 20, 2022
- Every time I update this list, it brings back so many memories. This year, one of my goals is to bring some of that history to life via photos and stories. I wanted this site to be a living archive when I created it. So far, for the last 25 years, that is working out nicely. Updates this time to increase the font size and generally to look at how to better display what I have. The current menus are ok but not great. Need a better strategy for navigation. Also need to make things for purchase and class registration more visible. Updates to Xingyi Twelve Animals. I'm teaching. Need new photos. Add more information on the page.
- October 29, 2021
- Consolodate items under about us. Need to work on profiles. Update "How we got started" with 25 year anniversary heading and image of red chair.
- October 22, 2021
- Big milestone. Had wanted to have a publisher's page with lots of covers and links and things. Have it now. Finally. Multiple books on the menu too. Pages for print, ebook (online flip book) and ePub (downloadable). More to do. Removed pages for Going East or West. That was a goal.
- October 17, 2021
- Bringing back something I had phased out: Publishing and Consulting Services, but updated for today. New Services menu (again). Restructured and and simplified menu access to expose more content. Some file cleanup still to do. Need to have a look at the Chinese menus. Cross linked services to my portfolio. Working to collect and organize all the files I have. Some will be posted to either my portfolio or here on wudang.com. Some as pages or additions to pages. Some as e-books.
- December 26, 2020
- Not so much done thru the site this year. Lots of videos on YouTube. Have a bit of cleanup to do on the backend and with content. Planning to finish and upload taiji videos - one by one. More planned for next year. Quite a bit more.
- August 4, 2020
- Classes and schedule updates.
- April 6, 2020
- Backend cleanup. Fix (update and get rid of old) theme. Lots of little things. Preparing for more content.
- March 29, 2020
- Added classes and enrollment options. Completed first live streams last week. Start regular broadcasts 3/30/2020. Equipment is a problem, but as long as I can do as much as what I have now, I'm going to try to keep it going. Lots and lots of work to do.
- February 3, 2020
- Added more videos, quite a few in January. Some for each. And there are more. Added Member options for people to pay for content access and class discounts. Added weekly schedule to Classes page.
- December 31, 2019
- Added videos to Qigong menu - making it complete (for now) => Each section has something in it. Looks good.
- December 30, 2019
- More navigation changes to allow for new content. Removed sidebar menus - taking up too much space and needed something that would generate the list of topics dynamically. Got it. And added the ability to only show that navigation widget to logged in users. Tested. Just what I needed. Still have to work out something for the longer lists, especially taiji. Plugin has a pro version with an accordion feature. Even that will not be workable for taiji - 40+ items on the list. May need a one page list with navigation to each item or something like that for taiji. For now, what I have will work to get this going. Restored the mega-menu in English - the columns look nice on mobile. Plan to do the same for the Chinese after I finish all the English menus and new pages/sections.
- November 5, 2019
- Making major navigation changes to surface content with sidebar menus and less nesting. Lots of buried content. More pages in each channel. There's a lot of content that isn't up on the site that could be and a lot that is buried in nested links. Time to clean that up a bit. Didn't realize just how much content I have.
- October 14, 2019
- Have made a few changes to the overall mission of the site and what it should be doing. Once the plans I have now are completed (maybe 2-3 years) there won't be much more done, not by me anyway. This site was originally intended to be a library, an archive where we would store all the essays and handbooks Prof. Liu had written. He would manage the Chinese sections and I would handle the English (and all the technical work and all the business work). That's not what happened. For the past 10 years or so, he hasn't contributed. I'd ask. He'd be busy. So many times I lost count. Even for simple things. In 2018, I went to China to talk with him about the site, the plans we'd discussed for our work, and to make a plan for adding new materials. He told me that he was busy and did not want to do anything more. He was retired. No surprise that a 67 year old wants to retire. The problem was that he'd repeatedly told me for 15 years that once he retired, he'd have time to work on our publications. That, and a couple of other things resulted in some serious issues that he does not want to resolve. So, I made some decisions. First is that I am going to keep the Chinese materials as they are, but not make any effort to keep the English side in sync. If I post something or do something new with the English, I'm not going to change the Chinese to match. Second, I'm going to pursue some of the business initiatives that I've been trying for years to get him to do -- I wanted to feature him out of respect. But in the 10+ years I've asked, he never seemed to have time to make recordings or help with translations. He was busy. Finally, no pun intended, I'm going to build out the library that I have wanted to build. It will be me in the videos and photos and maybe some of my students. It's going to be my legacy. I like what I have planned. I hope someone I don't know 50 years from now likes it too.
- June 17, 2018
- Removing the classes section. Adding a new video section - question/answer clips. Plan to add subtitles in English and Chinese.
- 2017
- Didn't track. Mostly small changes. Set up classes with the idea of having an online school. No interest. My presentation? site navigation? Cultural shift?
- August 31, 2016
- Major upgrade and changes. Migration to WordPress platform. Added slider, reworked much of the 150+ pages and set up the framework for booking classes online. Plan is to offer
online and in-person classes. Milestone this year: 20 years 1996-2016.
- March 9, 2015
- Added Google Analytics tracking code, moved ads to right side of page (more visible); Added sections of Wudang Taiji to Wushu (in Chinese) section, postures 9-20 with pictures.
- February 27, 2015
- Added sections of Going East Or West? to Business Solutions/Global Trade; Added sections of Wudang Taiji to Wushu (in Chinese) section, including postures 1-8 with pictures. Included block to "buy me!" for both.
- February 22, 2015
- Seems I missed a few years... :0 In 2013, we moved to Drupal as a platform. Added portfolio pages to the Business section in 2014. Still working on cleanup and content migration. Focus has been elsewhere. Would like to see everything cleaned up, no orphan pages, and any errors corrected this year. Getting all the content moved into Drupal may still take a while. There's quite a bit, including books.
- September 14, 2011
- Updated graphics for new template using design by Agilitant (Steve Pickett) - thanks Steve! Still need to add content and move over content from Drupal. Whew... lots of work.
- June 27, 2011
- Re-launch site with new design. More content, updates, and new material to be added for August - Phase II plan.
- June 24, 2011
- Almost ready to re-launch site with new design. Still have quite a bit of content to migrate / add. Updated ad format.
- March 26, 2011
- Site redesign and remodeling. New look and feel. Review and correct links. Clean up content. Begin recoding for entire site. Set up redirects / pages to improve access and eliminate not found errors. Set Chinese encoding to current standard Unicode. Lots of code conversions needed from GB2312.
- September 28, 2010
- Added metatags to block slander by ODP from being displayed for site. Hope it works. The Open Directory Project is all about slander and prejudice by the so-called editors. They are clueless, have no crediblity and take no responsibilty for deliberately spreading mis-information.
- March 13, 2010
- Add Microsoft Sm Biz logo to home page; adjust text (English) for partnering and focus (ECM/Sharepoint).
- February 28, 2010
- 刘玉增教授修改出版物部分。
- July 7, 2009
- Begin adding individual publications lists.
- July 6, 2009
- Address change. No longer using Regus, ever. (June 2006 - June 2009)
- March 8, 2009
- New site implementation. Custom Drupal CMS for Martial Arts Library (English and Chinese). All pages updated, edited, and checked. Links checked. Ads by Amazon added to Bookstore. All Chinese pages converted to UTF8 from GB2312.
- January 28, 2009
- {planned} Initial posting of new site pages. Redesign site to include Drupal CMS to facilitate uploads and formatting of planned extensive expansion of content (library). Streamlined business service offerings and moved bulk services to Content Resources. Simplify main navigation and directory structures.
- March 1, 2008
- Update comments and copyright citations; add Google ads to pages; check links and correct broken links. Review Chinese pages for needed updates prior to ad placements. Goal this year is to complete all updates and make all corrections, including for Chinese pages. For 2009, plan to add more material to library, change pages, and add more images.
- September 5, 2007
- Adjust home page to remove briefing link; add China Road book to front page.
- April 19, 2007
- Added link to Translators director for reciprocal linking.
- March 23, 2007
- Updated China Business Briefing pages to archive event and include photos from conferences in Orlando and Atlanta.
- January 20, 2007
- Added Trade section to Services (English only); developed questionnaire (forms and database) to address marketing and research for trade mission and business development activities.
- 2006年7月5日
- 刘玉增教授改写武当公司、首页等全部汉语部分的语法、内容和错别字。
- June 29, 2006
- Started work on site cleanup and eliminating the file not found errors from the last upgrade. Added return link and icon to Forums. Added icon to main site index pages. Reworked links to Chinese pages to include new edits from Prof. Liu.
- 2006年6月11日
- 刘玉增教授改写武当公司、汉语、业务等全部汉语部分的语法、内容和错别字。
- 2006年6月5日
- 刘玉增教授改写武当公司、汉语、业务、商业业务、设计业务、评估业务等部分
- 2006年5月8日
- 刘玉增教授改写武当公司、汉语、欢迎、见到、书店、武术、图书馆和Yewu等全部汉语部分
- April 15, 2006
- Restored links to Chinese pages. Liu Yuzeng promised to edit.
- April 13, 2006
- Removed links to Chinese pages. Too many known errors on pages; now getting negative public comments. Waiting for Liu Yuzeng to edit.
- August 13, 2005
- Added bagua images from 1991 to English and Chinese pages.
- August 11, 2005
- Completed updates to Chinese wushu pages. Added text and graphics from old Shaolin section. Added text from Qigong book, taiji and xingyi files.
- August 9, 2005
- Consistency edits to headings; fixed Martial Arts link (old - martialartsschool; new - martialarts); Map English/Chinese section buttons to main section page (re: all Martial Arts section pages map to wushu.html; martialarts.html). Updated main Wushu page with updated text from Prof. Liu.
- August 6, 2005
- Started updates and edits to Chinese sections. Framework consistency edits, materials, navigation elements.
- August 3, 2005
- Completed updates to English pages. Edits and changes to all sections. Updated Library section. Added materials. Consistency edit (framework) for Business Travel Book. Updated Martial Arts school. Added text and images; sidebars.
- July 30, 2005
- Added stylesheet, removed redundant style codes. Removed files from initial directory. All files organized under language groups. Updated sections and lists for services. Streamlined Welcome/Overview sections. Added vertical menus to all pages. Reworked scripts to match new files and file locations. More to come...
- July 23, 2005
- Started changes for more concise pages; preparation for additions of Amazon links throughout.
- January 2, 2005
- Expanded menus to include martial arts school for all subsets. Moved language link from horizontal bar to below buttons. Changes in navigation for English pages. Chinese pages not done yet.
- March 31, 2004
- Added travel book to bookstore/Chinese Martial Arts selections
- March 7, 2004
- Added links to international news sites in Business and Management Library
- February 6, 2004
- Added book distributors list to welcome section.
- January 27, 2004
- More Chinese pages translated via machine translation from English. Expect mistakes and problems as no edits have been done. Main Chinese welcome page rendered in Chinese by Prof. Liu.
- January 24, 2004
- Chinese pages translated via machine translation from English. Expect mistakes and problems as no edits have been done. Raw translations posted as work toward solution for excessive delay problems. Suggestions and corrections invited. (I could sure use some help. - Terri )
- January 17, 2004
- Initial Chinese language pages posted for Huanying (Welcome) section. Prof. Liu slowly working on material for other pages in section. Currently mixed languages. Navigation not fully funcitonal. This will be corrected as pages are posted.
- January 11, 2004
- Minor edits to company information and introdutions.
- January 7, 2004
- New format pages for bookstore completed. Included at least one item per page for each topic. More to be added, including other media.
- January 4, 2004
- Connected most pages; interior Business Library pages still have old format. This will take some time to convert.
- January 1, 2004
- New home page connected. Some navigation problems remain and some material that has been prepared still needs to be added. Additional photos and graphics to be added over the next few weeks.
- December 31, 2003
- New pages almost ready to launch. Complete remodeling - new design, new graphics, new material, new just about everything. Most of the material from prior martial arts pages incorporated. Lots and lots of images and photos added. More to come.
- December 27, 2003
- New Welcome pages activated from main page. "Under construction" message on home page. Navigation is going to be a problem until I get the rest of the pages hooked up.
- November 17, 2003
- Preparing for major remodeling and additions.
- September 28, 2003
- Added more books to bookstore.
- September 15, 2003
- Added topics to forums.
- August 5, 2003
- Corrections resume large image display. Minor edits. Links check for Medical intro. Correction Mosby bought by Elsevierr http://www.us.elsevierhealth.com/
- July 30, 2003
- Address change for move to Florida. Update to classes page.
- June 26, 2003
- Completed Five Elements animations for both English and Chinese pages.
- June 2, 2003
- Added links page to Martial Arts section of Library. Updated Shaolin pages to include GB2312 character set, current copyright comment, and date script.
- May 31, 2003
- Edits to bio pages and developed by comment at top of pages. Changed images. Corrections to links Bookstore to go directly to/from Amazon lists. Links to Bookstore and Martial Arts School added to Library main page. Link to Bookstore added to Library Martial Arts page.
- May 23, 2003
- Added English translation of Xingyi introduction to Martial Arts School. Links to form sets and original Chinese.
- May 17, 2003
- Added zuan quan to xingyi pages (English and Chinese).
- May 16, 2003
- Schedule updates to classes pages, images added to Chinese xingyi page.
- May 14, 2003
- Cosmetic and link correction updates to Business, Services Package section.
- May 13, 2003
- More consistency edits and fixes for links on the English pages. Restored all pages for BizTravel section. "Read more from our book" on the links pages are the only direct access to all the sections. Main page includes links to Social, Language, and Time narrative pages.
- May 11, 2003
- Consistency edits for English and Chinese Welcome/Huanying sections. General edits to Chinese. Added animated image to English Xingyi section.
- April 30, 2003
- Added animated gifs to Taiji list pages. Separated lists for names in first part of form. Updated first level pages in Chinese section of site. Also included animated gifs with Chinese pages.
- April 27, 2003
- Started adding animated gifs to Qigong list page. Rework Bookstore page. Added Amazon partner search box.
- April 18, 2003
- Begin remodeling. Changes to gateway pages and main page. Restored direct dual language navigation with on/off images. Enhanced entry graphics.
- April 10, 2003
- Restored Health and Healing link in Library with NIH resources for medical reference. Added ChinaProject to Site Design Library.
- April 7, 2003
- Edits and presentation changes to Terri's bio page. Updates to resume. Post word and pdf files.
- March 23, 2003
- Updated class schedules, reattached discussion boards link.
- March 11, 2003
- Connected new Forum software, changed entrance to store, added link to Powells search for books. Added membership item to store and have started setting up mechanisms for maintenance of benefits and lists.
- February 25, 2003
- Added next two ezines to store; corrections and changes to text (re: get latest version) added graphical buttons to store navigation.
- February 23, 2003
- Changes and edits to business section in Library. Reworked pages to be more informative and colorful. Corrected links problems and verified all links in the updated files.
- February 22, 2003
- Completely changed business section with better focus on services. Added links to defined services focus pages. Added sample images to illustrate each.
- February 21, 2003
- Updates to store. Changed main page to images for books and journal. Links to sub-pages by category. Separated products by page. Cleaned up text for detail pages. New image for journal detail page showing interior pages. Added Adobe icons and links for readers.
- February 18, 2003
- Added icons for Journal to pages in Martial Arts School.
- February 14, 2003
- Revised navigation elements and added more details for items in store.
- February 11, 2003
- Reopened online store with two books, one magazine (Feb.) and one digial image. Preparations underway to add more items and spruce up the appearance of the store.
- February 7, 2003
- Posted interior pages for new Wudang Journal (Feb). Covers previously posted. Preparations to reopen online store are underway.
- January 19, 2003
- Updated traffic charts through 2002.
- January 16, 2003
- Edits to business services section. Clarification of services; correlate with new brochure.
- January 12, 2003
- Added images, image map to replace main language page. Preparation for changes throughout the site to include more images.
- December 22, 2002
- Added bio material, photos, and certificates from Terri's martial arts history to English pages. Links from main bio page.
- October 2, 2002
- Changed main gateway to simple language selection; changed image. Added full navigation sidebar for English and Chinese main index pages.
- January 1, 2002
- Posted multiple changes to site to bring both sides more in sync. Added extensive material to library in both languages. Store temporarily closed; orders thru Amazon.
- November 13, 2001
- Changes to Martial Arts class schedules. Added online registration for January 2002 classes. (English)
- October 29, 2001
- Added basic search feature for both English and Chinese pages.
- October 23, 2001
- Updates to all martial arts classes pages, add photos of school. Changes to separate schedules and class descriptions.
- September 14, 2001
- Fall Class Schedule added and martial classes page updated. Preparing to open business/school location at 7761 Quivira, Lenexa.
- July 22, 2001
- Changed home page navigation from text to .gifs; added rollovers.
- July 16, 2001
- Changes to links for direct access from the Library to the category in the publications catalog. Enabled online registration for Sword Workshop.
- July 7, 2001
- Updated classes page for details on Miami workshops; removed past events.
- May 23, 2001
- Opened bilingual online store with two print books, Wudang Qigong (E/C) and Going East or West? (E). Major milestone in site and business development. Major accomplishment for us!
- May 11, 2001
- Changes to Workshops page to include more detail on the summer classes (English) and pages for workshop ads.
- May 4, 2001
- Changes to Library main page (English).
- April 24, 2001
- Added to class schedules for summer.
- April 18, 2001
- Updated class schedules for summer. Layout changes in preparation for adding more material.
- March 18, 2001
- Revised English pages on Xingyi. Added correspondences table.
- March 2, 2001
- Added links from Chinese pages to discussion boards. Updated discussion boards to include better topic selections.
- January 26, 2001
- Change of emphasis on business intro page.
- January 15, 2001
- Added updated traffic charts; Added new bio pages and materials for Prof. Liu and Terri in English.
- December 25, 2000
- Updated classes list for 2001. Started discussion boards.
- November 18, 2000
- Added full Business section to Library, including excerpts and table of contents from book Going East or West? Updated copyright section to include TRIPS agreement.
- November 16, 2000
- Added Business page in Library.
- November 3, 2000
- Updated classes list. Added Business Book to Marketplace and link from Consulting Services.
- May 30, 2000
- Changed homepage image to mountains and new gate.
- May 13, 2000
- Updated class schedule for summer.
- May 3, 2000
- Changed and updated corporate information, mission statement.
- April 30, 2000
- Changed photo for home page, same gate but photo taken by Terri in November 1999. Added photo of Prof. Liu to main Martial Arts page.
- April 24, 2000
- Updated marketplace in English to include ISBNs and full set of Feng Shui cards.
- April 18, 2000
- Activated Library section in English.
- March 27, 2000
- Class schedules and planned workshops for the summer.
- February 12, 2000
- Moved Shaolin Union pages under wudang.com to close out shaolin-union.com site.
- January 24, 2000
- Added thumbnail photos for Qigong to both lists.
- December 13, 1999
- Changes to class schedules and planned workshops.
- November 14, 1999
- Design changes and reorganization of material. Additional materials to be added. File structures and navigation changed.
- August 1, 1999
- Changes to Chinese language Welcome page.
- April 14, 1999
- Added traffic chart to corporate area; changed text for corporation.
- March 18, 1999
- Added Store and Travelers to Welcome area.
- January 1, 1999
- Added animated relief map of China to Geography section.
- December 5, 1998
- Changed navigation bar to graphics so Chinese characters always display; also added graphics of text to home page.
- November 24, 1998
- Changed navigation bar at top of pages to enable more immediate access to other language.
- November 16, 1998
- Added list of names of the forms for wudang taiji and wudang qigong to the English side. Lists previously added to Chinese side by Prof. Liu.
- November 10, 1998
- Took out animated gif -- load time in China too long. Changed to gold fish. Minor revisions to my resume; added tech writer rez.
- October 19, 1998
- Started adding Javascript for date; not working for IE 3.0 (96).
- October 10, 1998
- Added Emerge site to links page. Posted files.
- October 7, 1998
- Added LINKS and META information to index.html; moved to new hosting service.
- September 26, 1998
- Fixes for problem links; site map created
- August 10, 1998
- Maintenance changes/corrections to comments, code; link to shaolin site (http://www.shaolin-union.com)
- July 22, 1998
- Corrections to classes list; Corrections to Qigong intro (per final copy)
- June 18, 1998
- Added three classes to list of summer activities.
- May 25, 1998
- Changed backgrounds to make it easier to read the text.
- May 20, 1998
- Added Chinese language flyer for summer classes.
- May 8, 1998
- Added flyer for summer classes.
- May 3, 1998
- Corrections to display of top line navigation bar.
- March 25, 1998
- Changes to the list of classes and seminars. Dates added for KC summer seminars.
- March 8, 1998
- Corrections to the layout of lists in Chinese. Display target changes to the Links page.
- February 14, 1998
- Complete reorganization of files for viewing in frames. Several additions; too many to mention. Please have a look. Thanks.
- August 13, 1997
- And yet more changes to the Chinese side - Prof. Liu's overview of martial arts history (lishi).
- August 12, 1997
- More changes to the Chinese side - Prof. Liu's discussion of martial arts philosophy (zhexue).
- August 11, 1997
- More changes to the Chinese side - Prof. Liu's introduction to Wudang Mountain (shan). We hope to have the English version later this year.
- July 19, 1997
- Complete revision to the chinese introduction by Prof. Liu. (Thank you all for putting up with my very awful attempts - terri.)
- July 14, 1997
- Added Prof. Liu's introduction to Wudang Taiji (neijia) - in Chinese. List of the names of the forms (first part) also added to neijia page.
- June 12, 1997
- Added links page for other sites. Thanks, Kate. Presentation changes to Zhexue pages. Created separate files for booklist (shumu) and links (lianjie).
- April 11, 1997
- Added English full text of Prof. Liu's article on the "Principles and Characteristics of Wudang Taiji" (published in 1992 by T'ai Chi Magazine) to the Martial pages.
- January 27, 1997
- Chinese side is operational. :-) Added (in Chinese only) Wang Zongyue's Treatise of Taijiquan and Zhang Sanfeng's Treatise on Taijiquan both with sifu's commentary to Philosophy (Zhexue) pages. Added some notes and links for language cross-overs. Added sifu's resume and publications list (in Chinese).
- January 11, 1997
- Added Photos to Martial Arts, Mountain, Philosophy, and Welcome sections.
- January 7, 1997
- Changed Chinese language welcome page to begin text version. Much more to come. Please try again after January 15.
- December 14, 1996
- Added part of Prof. Liu's awards list to his bio. Changed colors on homepage to be more readable. Thanks to Mike and Dave for the feedback.
- December 11, 1996
- Added start of chronology table to History page. Added index to Welcome pages. Added 'mail' items to bookplates. Added booklist (links coming) to Welcome pages.
- November 19, 1996
- Biographical material and publications information added to Welcome pages. Links added for email to webmaster, info, tmyang, and yzliu.
- November 18, 1996
- Initial pages posted to site.
Copyright ©1996-2022 Wudang Research Association International Wudang Internal Martial Arts Research Association 430 N. Pine Meadow Drive, DeBary, FL 32713
Created in 1996 at 8229 Perry Street, Overland Park, KS 66204