Wudang Dragon Sword – Sets 1-3 Review 2
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Wudang Dragon Sword – Sets 1-3 Review 2
Today, we are going to pay attention a little more to what we are doing in the moves and the addition of turning the waist and turning the body to add to the motion of the sword.
Review of the requirements for standing on one leg and opening the hip. What does it feel like when you can keep the leg up? What does it feel like when you have to put your foot down? Knowing this, you can begin to adjust internally so you don’t have to put your foot down.
The more precise the movement, the more clarity we can bring to the movement, the circle, the pattern that we have the easier it becomes to move more quickly. Using the opening movement as an example. Slowly, very slowly. and much more quickly. I cannot do anything more quickly, if I don’t know what I am doing and where the sword is and is supposed to go.
I also kept saying that we were reviewing movements 1 – 4. In fact, we have only covered three. Four if I count the opening (no).
The goal is better coordination within the movements and also better coordination with the sword.
What is the movement? How do we do it? Not only the particulars for geometry and physics, the emphasis and placement, the intent? What is the nature of Dragon Sword? 龙化剑?
Each week, I’ll cover one one of the sets. On Mondays (a), we start working with the movement. Tuesdays, I’ll go into more details (b). On Wednesdays (c), I’ll put what we have back into the form to make the connections.