Qigong Fundamentals Class (instructor-led)
This class introduces qigong 气功 broadly. It addresses several of the fundamental questions for beginning practice: What is qigong? What the the benefits of learning it? What do we do during practice? Where did qigong come from?
Two practice sets will be covered that provide both simple movements and the perfect chance to explore several of the inner and outer connections.
This class consists of study materials and practice videos together with live online sessions, community and instructor access.
The goal for this class is to introduce qigong generally and provide practical experience via the practice sets. These exercises are suitable for everyone.

Class Includes:
Videos: 3
Live sessions: 2
Class time: 5 hours
Workbook: Yes
Cost: $65
Delivery: Online/Zoom/YouTube
Register for this Class
Each session (Morning or Evening) includes two online Zoom classes along with the recorded materials. You only need to enroll in one. You can attend whichever sessions you like.