Print and eBook Prep
Page Layout. Pre-Press. PDFs. XML coding. Multiple Languages.
We started with the idea that we would have printed books. Our first was Wudang Qigong in 1998. It was a dual-language book with facing pages: Chinese on the left page and English on the right. Back then, the options for pre-press were more limited. Today, printing Chinese characters in the US is not the technical problem it was back then.
Preparing materials for PDF delivery is like preparing for print in that the page layout will be fixed. Beyond that, there can be all sorts of things that can be added to an electronic from. Electronic contracts and data collection forms with signatures are common. PDF is still a preferred format for sharing files so that the original is preserved. For longer documents, having the Table of Contents be selectable is ideal. We can help with that.
We can ‘reverse engineer’ an image to make an editable file in several languages. This comes in handy when the pdf you have with that latest essential reports for your industry or specialty was created from jpgs, not text. It’s also useful for CJK and other language characters that are not always recognized by OCR software.
eBook preparation for Kindle, Adobe, Amazon, and other platforms requires an understanding of the technologies, the requirements from the publisher, and the correct formatting and nice images. The idea that “this must be placed just so on this page” has to be reconciled with the fact that pages don’t exist in the same way. My device could be a desktop or it could be a phone. eBooks are intended to fit whichever device I have. So that page layout that looks great on a 1920 x 1080 display isn’t going to be quite right at 768 wide. That’s not to say ebooks can’t have a nice layout. They can. Say it with me… we can help with that.